We have been able to operate our business in Ukraine with limited disruptions, although distribution in some cities in parts of eastern Ukraine has been challenging, the company said. 我们在乌克兰地区的业务受到的干扰并不大,尽管在乌克兰东部一些城市的配送仍颇具挑战,该公司说道。
The latter has very limited distribution due to its location only in slope of east of Mahu sag. 后者分布非常局限,仅存在于玛东斜坡区。
Viacom cut a limited distribution deal with Google earlier this year. 今年早些时候,维亚康姆与谷歌签订了一份限制性分销协议。
Over the vast territory of china, the space suited for people to live and engage in economic activities is limited and population distribution is extremely uneven. 中国广袤领土上的适合人们居住和从事经济活动的空间有限,人口分布极不平衡。
Mineral resources are limited and uneven distribution, thus, the development and utilization of mineral resources is limited. 矿产资源的有限性和分布不均匀性,决定了矿产资源的开发利用是有限的。
Carbonate with lower organic abundance can generate certain hydrocarbon, yet has poor generation potential with less thickness and limited distribution. 碳酸盐岩有机质丰度较低,具有一定的生烃能力,但厚度较小,分布局限,生烃潜力不大。
The purpose of borrowing money as provided in the asset trust securitization plan described in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to the distribution of profits, interests or other proceeds. 前项资产信托证券化计划所定借入款项之目的,应以配发利益、孳息或其它收益为限。
The purpose of the any amount borrowed under the preceding paragraph shall be limited to distribution or repayment of the profits, principal, interests, or other proceeds in accordance with the asset securitization plan, and shall be done with the consent of all directors. 前项借入款项之目的,应以依资产证券化计划配发或偿还利益、本金、利息或其它收益为限,并经全体董事同意后为之。
This paper analyzes the relations between technology acquisition, innovation and technological progress of Jiangsu Province and sets up a Mixed Limited Polynomial Distribution Lag Model indicating the acquisition and innovation's influence on the progress. 技术引进、自主创新是实现技术进步的两个重要途径,构建技术引进、自主创新对技术进步影响的混合有限多项式分布滞后模型,并以江苏省为例进行实证分析。
Proof of Limited Distribution of t Distribution is Standardized Normal Distribution 关于t分布的极限分布为标准正态分布的证明
The frequency computation by two-end limited lognormal distribution and generalized exponential distribution as the type of frequency curve is presented in the paper. 提出了用两端有限对数正态分布和广义指数分布作为频率曲线线型进行计算,可避免用Γ分布适线欠佳的缺点。
Dawn Redwood ( Metasequoia glyptostroboides), a living fossil, is an important endangered plant species with a limited distribution around the borders of Hubei Province, Hunan Province and Chongqing Municipality in China. 活化石水杉是重要的珍稀濒危植物,天然水杉只分布于我国湖北、湖南和重庆三省市交界的一小片区域,总数量只有4000多株。
Changing operation regime and furnace pattern design only have limited influence on burden distribution. 改变操作制度和炉型设计,对改善布料的影响是有限的。
The Chinese merganser ( Mergus squamatus) is a rare species, it has a limited distribution area and in the International Red Data Book as a threatened species. 中华秋沙鸭(Mergussquamatus)主要分布在西伯利亚东南部、朝鲜和我国。是一种分布区域狭窄、数量稀少的珍稀濒危鸟类。
In the studies on the origin of the Austronesian family, the praxis of linguistics has been mainly limited to the distribution of the present Austronesian ethnic groups, while the ancient Baiyue, an important Austronesian culture in ancient southern China has been ignored. 在南岛语族起源研究中,语言学的实践多局限于今南岛语族族群分布范围,忽视了华南上古百越这一重要的古南岛系统文化。
Triassic hydrocarbon source rocks have a high degree of maturity but are of limited distribution; 三叠系烃源岩成熟度较好,但分布范围局限,勘探潜力受到影响。
But, the mature oil from upper Es 4 has a limited distribution, which probably results from low degree of exploration. 而沙四段上亚段成熟油分布局限,可能是勘探程度低之故。
A limited probability distribution of stochastic variability and its application in engineering 海浪等随机变量有界概率分布及工程应用
Second, we study the limited distribution of a bonus-malus system in an open market. 第二部分,研究开放市场环境下奖惩系统的极限分布。
Studies on Narrow Limited Distribution and Cultivation Expansion of 10 Endemic Species in Guizhou 10种贵州特有植物狭限分布与扩大栽培的研究
Because the supplies of nutrition and water in soil are always limited, the spatial distribution of the root system, i.e., root architecture, largely determines the ability of a plant to exploit these resources. 因为土壤中水分和养分常受到限制,所以根系在土壤中的空间分布如根的构型很大程度上决定了植物吸收水分和养分的能力。
The high mobility and the limited distribution by streets of vehicles result in frequent changes of topology and uneven distribution of vehicles. 而车辆节点的高速移动和受限于街道的分布特征导致全网拓扑的频繁变化和车辆节点不平均的分布。
Taking its limited expression and distribution in breast cancer and normal breast tissues into account, these antigens may serve as a kind of potential carbohydrate-based breast cancer vaccine. 考虑到其在乳腺癌及其正常组织有限的表达分布,可以推测这类抗原可能作为一种潜在的碳水化合物为基础的乳腺癌疫苗的候选抗原,为改善乳腺癌的治疗和预后提供新的希望。
Through the distribution map, it is shown that seismic load has limited impact on the distribution of the safety factor though expanding the low safety factor areas. 从安全系数分布图可以看出地震对安全系数分布情况影响很小,扩大了安全系数低值区。
But all this conclusions are limited to a closed portfolio without leaving and entering of policyholders. Second, we study the limited distribution of a bonus-malus system in an open market. 但是,我们的分析仅限于没有投保人离开和加入的封闭市场环境。第二部分,研究开放市场环境下奖惩系统的极限分布。
The factors that coal-fired power plant combusts the single coal impossibly for a long time, which are the limited and uneven distribution of coal resources, transport pressure, increasing of coal price and the policy of nation about that power boiler combusts inferior coal. 由于我国煤炭资源有限、分布不均、企业运输压力大、价格上涨以及国家对燃煤锅炉尽量燃用劣质煤的相关政策等因素,造成电厂不可能长期燃用单一煤种。
Stadium business, not enough to promote the method and content, practice are most operators are trapped in a cycle of middle-income, or even to make ends meet, and not self-breakthrough, unable to form a limited industrial chains and distribution. 目前场馆经营中,有很多不足以推广的方法和内容,在实际操作中很大部分经营者都陷于中等收入怪圈,甚至入不敷出,无法自我突破,无法形成有限的产业链和产业分布。